Giraffes are Amazing


I have giraffes hidden and some, not so hidden, all over my home. I love them. So when my friend invited us to the Natural Bridge Wildlife Ranch which is also a giraffe sanctuary less than an hour from our house I couldn't say yes fast enough.

We got a late start (of course) and didn't arrive until nearly noon so it was a bit warm for some of the animals. But this park is amazing. Amazing!

You arrive at the park and can purchase your map and animal food. There is a visitor center and cafe if you need to stop before heading out on safari. We headed straight for the gates. I let the kids unbuckle and you drive 5 mph through acres and acres of well-groomed, scenic hill country views with the added bonus of dozens of different types of wild animals.

family fun near Austin - safari park

They do such a great job of laying out feed in shady spots near the road you so are guaranteed to get up close to so many animals. Many of them hang out on the road to get a closer look at you.

My boys could have driven it twice, but we were hungry and I was eager to back to Austin before rush hour began. So we stopped in the cafe for a late lunch and explored the lemur exhibits and the great petting barn. So many baby goats. Enough said, right? Both boys would have brushed these baby goats until sunset if I had let them. 

We are already planning our next visit. My only advice would be to go early if it's summer time, because the animals don't care for this heat any more than we do.   

Dinosaurs Roar


We get to do so many fun things once you have kids, like go to a dinosaur park in 100 degree heat. No really, it was a lot of fun! Just hot. If you're in the Austin area and you have littles, it's a must do, especially if they're into dinosaurs.

It's a half-mile loop. with full-size dinosaur replicas and fossils. Each stop has information on the dinosaur presented and if you have an interested audience they can learn a lot. The trails are well-groomed, stroller-friendly trails in a wooded area. We didn't notice any mosquitoes, but bug-spray might be a good idea.

We packed a lunch and ate at the covered picnic area by the playground which also has some dinosaur related activities, like digging for fossils and even a Jurassic Park jeep and scene setup to enjoy. It is fairly inexpensive day if you can get out of the gift shop (which is where you enter and exit) souvenir-free.

H loved this place and wants to return immediately. Leo was a little unsure of the large dinosaurs and stayed in the stroller for the most part. He did love the playground dinosaurs though!

Cold Brew Days

Guys. I've got a serious cold brew addiction. Before I had kids I didn't drink any caffeine at all. I would have the occasional cola in a cocktail and that was it. Fast forward nearly 6 years - years full of sleepless nights, late night feedings, all-night-fever-a-thons, early mornings and endless running around - and I'm a full on addict.

I started by gulping down Frappuccino's and mochas and lattes like it was my job. All. That. Sugar. When I think back, it makes me ill. I'm now a reformed sugar addict, but I've kept the caffeine. And that brings me back to cold brew. It's the best stuff on earth, nectar of the gods. I typically drink it either black or with a little pecan Malk. Austin coffee shops are pretty much all doing their own brew these days so there's always a new one to try. And many restaurants are serving Chameleon or Cuvee on tap. So thankfully, at least in Austin, I'm never without an option. Plus it's a seriously nice beverage to enjoy in this heat. My current local favorites are:

  1. Friends and Neighbors
  2. Cuvee
  3. Summer Moon

And my favorite store bought are:

  1. Stumptown
  2. Grady's
  3. Chameleon

I do make my own as well, but I really enjoy the ritual of sitting down in a local coffee shop, enjoying my beverage and reading or writing or just taking in the scenery. It's become my favorite day-date with my husband too. 

Paperboy Cold Brew

Flyrite serves Cuvee nitro cold brew

Fair Bean Coffee on South First is pretty delicious and there's a great up and coming food trailer park just across the parking lot. 

Fireworks, Water Balloons and S'mores

I love fireworks. I really love them. I'll happily sit for hours camped out to get the best viewing spot. That isn't really possible with tiny kiddos or a husband who doesn't care too much for the Texas July heat. So we hadn't ventured downtown to see the Arboretum Shores fireworks until this year. I packed a bag that morning, I tired the kids out with a parade and lots of running around. Then I convinced them both to nap. And they did! I actually had to drag them out of bed to get downtown in time. We hung out on Congress bridge, playing Go Fish, snacking, blowing bubbles and waving glow sticks. Then it was time for the fireworks. The kids were in awe! They loved it and that made me love it even more. I'm hoping this starts a family tradition that will last!

Happy kids, ready to bike in the parade.

So upset, I can't remember why but I think it had something to do with the late night the previous evening. Nap time was definitely needed. 

When everyone is hot & cranky there is no better solution than water balloons. 

Red, white & blue snack - nothing fancy here, just plain deliciousness.

allergy-friendly s'mores

S'mores to cheer everyone up. All peanut free and vegan. 

Austin Fireworks Viewing Lady Bird Lake

Mesmerized boys looking out of Lady Bird Lake from the Congress Bridge.

Holiday goals: watching the fireworks from a kayak.