Thanksgiving in Lockdown, Finding the Gratitude

This year has been hard. It’s been harder for many others. Often it’s been hard to find the gratitude. But I have so much to be thankful for.

We celebrate far apart this year. But in so many ways we celebrate together. I was reflecting today on how today there was no busy airports and packed roadways. For the first time since maybe the very first Thanksgivings, we are all simply sitting down to a meal today. Some of us are doing so on Zoom from an apartment in Brooklyn. Some of us are having turkey sandwiches with just our housemates. And some of us are still roasting a turkey with our immediate family. But without the hustle and bustle of usual holiday travel, we are all gathering around a table of sorts and figuring out what to be grateful about.

I’m grateful for my home. It’s provided me and my family with space to be together and apart this last year. I’m grateful for our oak-filled spacious yard that has allowed some socially-distanced neighbor visits. I’m grateful for our church that has worked so hard to keep our church family connected when congregating isn’t possible. I’m grateful for employment that can be done in remote settings. I’m grateful for teachers that continue to give even though their own families are dealing with the same stresses we all are. I’m grateful for a community that despite our many differences always comes together to support each other.

I have so much to be grateful for. Period. Tomorrow will bring more worries and concerns. But I’m putting this out there so I can look back and remember the gratitude.

Socially Distant Thanksgiving Austin

We had phenomenol weather. So we were able to dine outside. It felt very 2020.

We sourced our Thanksgiving this year from many of our favorite local restaurants in an effort to support all we were able.

The menu:

Biscuits by Olamaie

Turkey by Backspace

Sides by Picnik

More Sides by me!

Canned Cocktails To-Go by Little Brother

Homemade Cocktails with Milam & Greene

Wine Bookbinder by Scout and Cellar

Dinosaurs Roar


We get to do so many fun things once you have kids, like go to a dinosaur park in 100 degree heat. No really, it was a lot of fun! Just hot. If you're in the Austin area and you have littles, it's a must do, especially if they're into dinosaurs.

It's a half-mile loop. with full-size dinosaur replicas and fossils. Each stop has information on the dinosaur presented and if you have an interested audience they can learn a lot. The trails are well-groomed, stroller-friendly trails in a wooded area. We didn't notice any mosquitoes, but bug-spray might be a good idea.

We packed a lunch and ate at the covered picnic area by the playground which also has some dinosaur related activities, like digging for fossils and even a Jurassic Park jeep and scene setup to enjoy. It is fairly inexpensive day if you can get out of the gift shop (which is where you enter and exit) souvenir-free.

H loved this place and wants to return immediately. Leo was a little unsure of the large dinosaurs and stayed in the stroller for the most part. He did love the playground dinosaurs though!

Fireworks, Water Balloons and S'mores

I love fireworks. I really love them. I'll happily sit for hours camped out to get the best viewing spot. That isn't really possible with tiny kiddos or a husband who doesn't care too much for the Texas July heat. So we hadn't ventured downtown to see the Arboretum Shores fireworks until this year. I packed a bag that morning, I tired the kids out with a parade and lots of running around. Then I convinced them both to nap. And they did! I actually had to drag them out of bed to get downtown in time. We hung out on Congress bridge, playing Go Fish, snacking, blowing bubbles and waving glow sticks. Then it was time for the fireworks. The kids were in awe! They loved it and that made me love it even more. I'm hoping this starts a family tradition that will last!

Happy kids, ready to bike in the parade.

So upset, I can't remember why but I think it had something to do with the late night the previous evening. Nap time was definitely needed. 

When everyone is hot & cranky there is no better solution than water balloons. 

Red, white & blue snack - nothing fancy here, just plain deliciousness.

allergy-friendly s'mores

S'mores to cheer everyone up. All peanut free and vegan. 

Austin Fireworks Viewing Lady Bird Lake

Mesmerized boys looking out of Lady Bird Lake from the Congress Bridge.

Holiday goals: watching the fireworks from a kayak.