Cold Brew Days
Guys. I've got a serious cold brew addiction. Before I had kids I didn't drink any caffeine at all. I would have the occasional cola in a cocktail and that was it. Fast forward nearly 6 years - years full of sleepless nights, late night feedings, all-night-fever-a-thons, early mornings and endless running around - and I'm a full on addict.
I started by gulping down Frappuccino's and mochas and lattes like it was my job. All. That. Sugar. When I think back, it makes me ill. I'm now a reformed sugar addict, but I've kept the caffeine. And that brings me back to cold brew. It's the best stuff on earth, nectar of the gods. I typically drink it either black or with a little pecan Malk. Austin coffee shops are pretty much all doing their own brew these days so there's always a new one to try. And many restaurants are serving Chameleon or Cuvee on tap. So thankfully, at least in Austin, I'm never without an option. Plus it's a seriously nice beverage to enjoy in this heat. My current local favorites are:
And my favorite store bought are:
I do make my own as well, but I really enjoy the ritual of sitting down in a local coffee shop, enjoying my beverage and reading or writing or just taking in the scenery. It's become my favorite day-date with my husband too.